Finding the Gratitude in Challenges


December 28, 2020
Staff Reports

It’s no secret we’ve all experienced a challenging year. As we close the chapter to this year and decade, I can’t help but pause and think of all the remarkable things we’ve seen in our community and Chamber this year despite the challenges of 2020.

A few short months ago, I wrote to you all about something that I enjoy doing more than just about anything in this job. Which was, having the opportunity to share with new volunteers and Chamber leaders the history, purpose, and pathway forward of the organization that you all help create.

You can read in-depth about that process here, but what I promised in that article was a future article that shared some of the impactful achievements that were initiated, and completed, by your own Chamber. By people like you.

First, I am grateful that our Chamber team and leadership worked so diligently on behalf of the business community. Their unwavering determination helped our organization remain a constant, steady voice on your behalf.

Second, I’m grateful that our Committees and Taskforces were able to quickly implement and deliver virtual opportunities for programs and services when needed, while also implementing safety protocols for in-person events. Because of their efforts, our Business Expo and Membership Meeting & Awards Celebration were able to continue with adjustments.

Third, I’m grateful that when learning about our healthcare workers exhaustion due to the constant front-line care, members of our Leadership Abilene Alumni sprang into action and came up with a 12 day of giving to show our appreciation for their tireless efforts.

And last but certainly not least, I’m grateful for our business community’s tenacity and continued to support.

I shared the quote of Mr. Rogers months (what feels like years) ago that has helped me through some of the lowest points of this year, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

And in Abilene, Texas, the helpers are plentiful, and I’m grateful to get to be a part of it.

Myself and our team can’t say enough how much we appreciate your continued investment in our organization. Because of you, we can accomplish so much more.
