
The Abilene Chamber supports agricultural businesses and individuals, providing the food and fiber for the United States and the World. Agriculture in the Big Country is a $1 billion enterprise, by far one of the largest sectors of our economy.

Our Priorities

  • Support continued funding of the Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation and its successful efforts in eliminating the pest enemy of cotton.

  • Support the Texas Department of Agriculture through adequate funding to ensure fulfillment of existing statutory duties.

  • Support programs that aid in the economic development of rural communities.

  • Support expansion of affordable broadband service to rural Texas.

  • Support the Go Texan marketing program, encouraging consumers purchase Texas-grown and Texas-produced products.


Access to reliable water resources continues to be a key issue for many Texas communities to maintain job and population growth. Abilene must continue to develop long-term and short-term strategies for securing resources.

Our Priorities

  • Desalination of brackish ground, surface and sea water

  • Aquifer storage and recovery

  • Conjunctive uses of ground and surface water

  • Innovative reuse and conservation technologies

  • Broadening water markets through the involvement of the private sector

  • Oppose efforts to alter the existing structure of water rights laws in Texas in any matter that would weaken the legal and property interest of existing holders of water rights.

  • Monitor the implementation of any programs to increase or enhance the enforcement of water rights, including new watermaster jurisdictions, to ensure that existing water rights are protected and that any costs of new enforcement programs clearly reflect the value of the resource and the fair allocation of costs among water rights holders.

  • Oppose any efforts to modify or weaken the status of senior water rights as defined by the courts.

What we're reading


Texas Senate takes first step toward establishing billions for state’s water supply, infrastructure

Voters would have the final say on whether the state sets aside billions of dollars to acquire new water sources and invest in aging infrastructure.

After historic drought, lawmakers agree on billion-dollar plan to expand water supplies, fix infrastructure

Following one of the hottest summers on record, lawmakers have set an ambitious target: By 2033, they want to bump up the state’s water supply by an amount equal to three of the largest reservoirs in