An Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Abilene Industrial Foundation

April 19, 2021
Staff Reports

Within the past several years, you have probably heard the phrase “entrepreneurial ecosystem” come up when talking about how to continue to make Abilene a business-friendly community.

What exactly does that mean, though? What is an “entrepreneurial ecosystem,” and how does that help people do business in and around Abilene?

According to the Kauffman Foundation, the essence of an entrepreneurial ecosystem is its people and the culture of trust and collaboration that allows them to interact successfully. An ecosystem that allows for the fast flow of talent, information and resources helps entrepreneurs quickly find what they need at each stage of growth. As a result, the whole is greater than the sum of its separate parts.

The above is exactly why we are holding the inaugural West Texas Entrepreneurship Bootcamp presented by Perry Hunter Hall Insurance on Thursday, May 6 during Small Business Week. We want to create an environment in Abilene, Texas, that helps entrepreneurs in their journey and ignites new and innovative ideas.

Developed out of an idea and request from Abilene Mayor Anthony Williams, the day-long bootcamp features sessions for those looking to take a leap into entrepreneurship or as an opportunity for small business owners to refresh on some of their skills.

“Entrepreneurship is in the DNA of so many members of our community but sometimes they’re unaware of the resources that are available to them,” said Mayor Williams. “I commend the Chamber and its affiliates for leading this initiative of creating an opportunity where entrepreneurs at any stage in their small business journey can come and learn about local resources to help them succeed, all while helping to foster the innovation ecosystem of the Big Country.”

The West Texas Entrepreneurship Bootcamp features sessions on:

  • The Importance of a Business Plan

  • “What’s your Entrepreneurial Story?”

  • Marketing Panel Discussion

  • Expanding Your Business

  • Ways to Get Involved in the Business Community

Attendees have the option to choose to join the full day of activities, or opt in for a half-day ticket to attend the morning or afternoon sessions. Tickets and additional information can be found HERE.

Entrepreneurship is a community sport. Building companies requires people throughout the community to help in a wide variety of roles. Team Abilene – let’s come together on May 6 to learn, collaborate, and support our entrepreneurs & small businesses. Better yet, let’s come together to support the Abilene of tomorrow.

As our fearless leader Doug Peters always says, “Onward!”