
Business Spotlight

August 16, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out?
The heart of what we do is helping at-risk high school students realize their potential and reach their goals by pairing them with an adult mentor to meet with weekly at their school.

What do customers say about working with you?
Our mentors always say how much they have gained by mentoring their student. They didn’t think that it would impact them the way it has and they have built long term relationships with their student.

Please share the value of Chamber involvement.
The Chamber has been amazing at helping us to get the word out about Mentors Care. They have offered ideas and strategies to help us market to the community. The staff has all been so welcoming and helpful!

What culture do you provide within your company?
Unity. We all come from different walks of life and have different perspectives but our mentors show their students unconditional love and acceptance and really “walk the walk” not just “talk the talk”. Every student is told and shown their value and as we help them realize their potential, the relationships deepen.

How do you give back to the community?
Our main goal is to help the students of this community who are considered at-risk to finish high school and become productive members of their community. We also partner with other agencies and programs to point these students in the right direction.

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.