Abilene Chamber Military Affairs Committee Set to Travel to DC

Signature Events

September 2, 2021
Staff Reports

The Military Affairs Committee (MAC) of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce wants you to help share the Abilene and Dyess Air Force Base story with our elected officials. That’s why they’re extending an invitation to all Chamber and MAC members to join them on this year’s DC Fly-in Oct. 18-21.

“Abilene’s commitment to Dyess Air Force Base goes all the way back to the funds that were raised locally to acquire the land that our Base sits on today,” said Doug Peters, President & CEO of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce. “We’ve never stopped servicing what we sold and sharing the deep commitment that our community has to our military efforts is essential as we continue advocating on their behalf.”

Departing Abilene Regional Airport on Tuesday, Oct. 18 and returning on Friday, Oct. 21, our DC Fly-in is designed to help better acquaint you with the mission of our Military Affairs effort, but also to have you lend your voice to the effort that supports the work we do to advocate for Dyess. This experience will also provide participants with a unique opportunity to share their own perspective with our federal government on topics important to you and your company.

Pre-paid packages are available to make participation a breeze and is limited to 20 participants in order to manage the size of the meetings with our elected officials.

To secure your spot in these efforts, reach out to Ashley Knowlton at ashley@abilenechamber.com.

Since 1908, the Abilene Chamber has served as a catalyst for business growth, a convener of leaders and influencers, and a champion for developing and promoting the economy and quality of life. For more information on the Chamber and the 1,200 businesses it represents, visit www.abilenechamber.com

The Military Affairs Committee is a public-private partnership of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce, Development Corporation of Abilene, individuals and businesses. Through its 300 members, MAC advocates for expansion and preservation of missions at Dyess and cares for the needs of military members and their families.

