BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: The Cotton Mill Market

Business Spotlight

November 5, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out?
We are three female entrepreneurs that are trying to build a community to help others succeed!

What do customers say about working with you?
The girls are a joy to work with!! Love their kind hearts and want everyone to win attitudes!

Please share the value of Chamber involvement.
The Chamber has offered many new opportunities to our business plan! They are always willing to help you think outside the box and connect you with the people or services that will ensure your success.

What culture do you provide within your company?
We offer a positive and supportive team work attitude that is almost like having sisters! We want for everyone to succeed!

How do you give back to the community?
Doratha Medina is an employee of Wylie ISD and has spent many hours giving back to the community through school activities and volunteering at her church Beltway North. Amanda Copeland is an RN Liaison at ContinueCare Hospital at Hendrick Medical Center for the past 7 years. She has been key in keeping the patient flow moving during this pandemic. She also volunteers with Meals on Wheels weekly and through her church as well. Crystal Saling is Director of Community Relations at ContinueCare Hospital at Hendrick Medical Center and been an employee for the past 7 years. She volunteers with Meals on Wheels weekly, serves as Vice President on the Keep Abilene Beautiful board, Board of Directors for Alliance for Woman and Children. She also attends Beltways North.

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.