There is Nothing Certain But the Uncertain


December 6, 2021
Staff Reports

What a Proverb that title is, huh? Do you ever feel like the rules to the game change just when you’re starting to understand the playing field?

As a business owner or manager, you specialize in uncertainty. The last 24 months or so must go down in history as some of the most uncertain ever. But for crying out loud, when is enough?

Sonya Teclai, renowned social marketing professional, said “uncertainty is the most stressful feeling.” And boy, was she right.

Your Chamber gets that. We see it every day ourselves. Whether it's legislative outcomes or external factors that impact our own business, uncertainty does bring a certain level of stress. For all of us.

And so that’s one special reason why your Chamber works hard to align resources for your business. Whether through our local partners or subject matter experts at the state, national, and international levels, constantly striving to provide you with the answers you need to make the decisions that impact your bottom line. For us, it’s about enabling a strong and vibrant economy. An economy that helps your business succeed.

Elections. Pandemics. Weather events. Inflation. Market-specific challenges. All have a bearing on your business, and by extension, our community.

In the coming year, you’ll see a revamp of programming offered through your Chamber. Not only a refresh among the Chamber’s stable of staples, but with major initiatives designed to help you to better manage uncertainty.

We will make a purposeful effort to bring together members of the Big Country to listen, learn and compare notes on the year in review and the year ahead. We’re calling it “State of the Community and Economic Outlook.” Clever, huh?

If you’ve heard Mayor Anthony Williams speak about Abilene, you’ve undoubtedly picked up on his passion for doing all that’s reasonable and necessary to ensure our community’s success. I hope you’ll join us on February 9 (go ahead and mark your calendar now – you’ll be glad you did) to join us as Mayor Williams shares the State of our Community and lays out his vision for the year ahead.

And we’ll measure that up with a command performance by renowned economist Dr. Mark Dotzour (pronounced “DOTS-er”) as he recaps one heck of a year and spells out what he believes will impact Big Country businesses and our unified efforts to build a better Abilene. You remember Dr. Dotzour. He presented our most recent Economic Outlook, which was held virtually (eye roll) early this year.

When we look back on Dotzour’s words from a year ago, it’s kind of eerie how he managed to kind of nail it. With so much uncertainty. And the stress that came with it.

The program on February 9 will begin at 11:00 am with registration running through 11:30. This fast-paced program will end promptly at 2:30 pm, and we’ll feed you.

From 11:30 – noon, we’ll hear from a panel who will discuss real estate, workforce and finance, followed by an education and government panel from 12:15 – 12:45 pm. I can all but promise you that there will be a mountain of perspective offered in that hour of dialogue.

We’ll welcome Dr. Dotzour promptly at 1:00 pm and he will provide his best, educated forecast for what we, as doers in the Big Country, should expect in the year ahead. This ought to be interesting.

And finally, our own Mayor Williams will close out our time together by updating us on where our city stands today – and where Council and the city administration will focus its energy and resources in the coming year. Mayor Williams will take the stage from 2:00 – 2:30 pm.

You’ll want to be there. After all, we can’t do much to help if we’re unaware of the challenges and effort ahead. For panelist and sponsor opportunities, reach out to the Chamber’s Ashley Knowlton at

Finally, your Chamber is more committed than ever to keeping you in the know, and to standing tall for the interests of your business. Just like we have since 1908.

