Celebrating what many believe “just happens”


September 14, 2018
Staff Reports

The Abilene Chamber of Commerce has a direction. It has a purpose. And it has a boatload of incredible people working together to make Abilene good for all of us. Our work is no accident nor is it to be taken for granted.

Successful communities are united. They are the communities that recognize their challenges and work together to overcome them. They are purposeful.  And they want to win.

You bet I’m talking about Abilene. That’s how we do.

By now, you’ve heard about what’s happening on September 20. It’s the 110th anniversary celebration of this institution. And a celebration it will be. I hope you have tickets in-hand and your boots shined because this will be like no other celebration of Abilene businesses.

We will thank outgoing Chairman of the Board Scott Hibbs (Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd) for a year of tremendous leadership, a year of accomplishment and a year of bolstering the Chamber’s role as THE voice of business in West Texas.

We will celebrate the successes of the Chamber – through the extraordinary men and women who drive the organization – and recognize those who went the extra mile. We’ll welcome new leadership, have a few laughs, a great meal and enjoy the music of a Grammy Award-winning band.

Folks – consider this the “last call” for tickets. As much as we’d love to include everyone in this one-of-a-kind event, the truth is we can’t. We’re limited on space, and the tickets have gone quickly. As of this writing, we’re roughly 70 tickets shy of a sell-out.

As with all that the Chamber does each and every day, we couldn’t have an event like this without those who underwrite it. I want to thank First Financial Bank, our Celebration 2018 presenting sponsor, for their support and tremendous generosity.

Also supporting this year’s event are KTAB/KRBC/Telemundo Abilene; Mansefeldt Investment Corporation; AbiMar Foods, Inc.; Arrow Ford and Reed Beverage. With that kind of horsepower behind the event, you know it’s going to be good!

Here’s how the evening will go – a cocktail reception followed by a great dinner, a short (seriously!) program that includes a video, remarks by the Chamber’s leadership and awards. Then, Asleep at the Wheel will perform, brought to you by Rentech Boiler Systems.

You’ve likely heard me say this – and I mean it: "if you’re lucky enough to be in Abilene, Texas – you’re lucky enough!” Come celebrate with us. And bring your co-workers, your associates, your friends. It’s one of those evenings.

Get your tickets now, and I’ll see you on the 20th!
