Boots on the Ground!

Business Advocacy

January 11, 2019
Staff Reports

Quite often, we think of boots on the ground in military terms. For the Abilene Chamber, “boots on the ground” means action - hands-on action on behalf of our members and the regional business community.

Back in early in December, I wrote about our legislative agenda, developed by member representatives of our Government Affairs Committee and adopted by the Chamber’s Board of Directors. To reference that article and to refresh yourself on what our agenda for the 86th Legislative Session in Austin contains, click here.

And while the Chamber is always pleased to help connect our members with our local, state and federal elected officials, we will deploy as the collective voice of business in February as we take our aggressive business advocacy agenda to the Texas capitol. I hope you’ll consider joining us.

Abilene Chamber Day at the Texas Capitol will depart pre-dawn on the morning of February 13. The Chamber has arranged for cost-effective round trip coach travel from Abilene to Austin. There, the Chamber’s leadership, members, committee members and local government representatives will interact with public policy leaders and agency directors to deliver the Abilene Chamber agenda. One effort, one strong and unified voice. You’ll be home in time for dinner.

We will also visit the House and Senate floors and experience a unique, behind the scenes tour of the state capitol and a group photo. You won’t want to miss it.

The cost to participate is $45 per person which covers the cost of the transportation. We will have a Dutch treat lunch, and have the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities for business back here at home. We have a compelling story to tell.

For those members who may have other business in Austin that day and choose to travel on their own, there is no cost to participate with exception of lunch.

Here’s the catch: we have limited seats on the bus, so register quickly! If you don’t plan to travel with the group, let us know that, too, so we know to expect you.  Just reach out to Erica Pangburn and she’ll be sure to get you taken care of.

Taking Abilene’s interests to Austin is important, and we’re fortunate to have positive relationships with each of our area’s elected officials. I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to visit, engage and spend the day with our elected representatives and your fellow Chamber members and staff. We look forward to having you.

