Preaching to the Choir



May 31, 2019
Staff Reports

This seems like an unnecessary article in many respects. I’m writing this week about Leadership Abilene, a subject this community knows an awful lot about.

But, I’m writing to let you folks know that the application period will run from June 1 through June 30, without exception.

Now, for the stuff you already know:

Leadership Abilene is one heck of a program. Recently, I looked back through the roster of program alumni and it’s an absolute “who’s who” of Abilene and Big Country leaders. Since more than 1,100 individuals have graduated the program over the years odds are you, too, are among the alumni.

I didn’t even have to look far among the alumni to see names like Mayor Anthony Williams, Councilwoman Donna Albus, the Community Foundation’s Katie Alford, Foundation leader Tucker Bridwell, business owner and incoming Chairman of the Chamber Darrin Black and even Texas State Representative Stan Lambert. And that, folks, is just a sampling.  If you look closely at the list of distinguished alumni you’ll see more recognizable names of people who have shaped our community than you’d expect. While the Leadership Abilene program surely didn’t make these leaders who they are today, I can’t help but believe it surely played a role.

As we kick off the application season for this highly sought-after program, I want to recognize United Supermarkets’ own Tim Farrar for chairing this year’s class. The nine-month program kicks off in Sept. and we graduate these great people in May.  It’s an intensive, one-day per month training ground on how our great city works. Here are the class sessions participants will enjoy:

Orientation, Economic Development Day, Servant Leader Day, Education Day, State Government, City/County Government Day, Dyess Day, Healthcare Day and Leadercast.

Abilene’s talent pool and leadership network isn’t just a
driving force of our economy.  It’s what separates us from the pack. 
I hope you’ll consider joining the hundreds of individuals and companies who
have encouraged their emerging leaders to engage in Leadership Abilene. 
It’s that good.

And one last thing.  This class is chosen by an anonymous alumni committee, so make sure you or your applicant put best effort into the application. Each year, more than 70 people apply, and the class is limited to 30-32 individuals.

To apply, simply CLICK HERE to download and complete the application.  Be mindful of the June 30 application deadline.  I hope to see you at the orientation, during the year and again at graduation.

