Put a Little (more) Coffee in Your Hustle


January 20, 2020
Staff Reports

Coffee. You know, there’s something magical about it. It wakes us up, it warms us up, and boy is it good. Who’d have thought that a little bean could impact us the way coffee does.

In fact, consumers in America – according to Statistica.com – spend nearly $14 billion per year on coffee. Think about that.

But, I know where you can get a cup of coffee for free.  In fact, you can get 1 million cups if you want them. For free!

And get this: there’s more to it than just a cup of coffee. When it comes right down to it, I don’t think you can even put a value on what you’ll get out of this free coffee. It’s that awesome.

Let me cut to the chase: I am thrilled to have inked a Memorandum of Understanding with our friends at McMurry University to partner on a program that will undoubtedly impact you and your business aspirations more than you might imagine.

I’m talking about 1 Million Cups. Never heard of it? Check this out, then come back and read the rest of this short article: https://www.1millioncups.com/about

I’ve been a big fan of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and their 1 Million Cups initiative for a long, long time. I’ve attended the sessions, I’ve watched and even participated in the interaction, and I’ve seen the impact those conversations have had on those who participated – and by extension, the communities they’re in.

Here’s a snippet from the 1 Million Cups website:  “Based on the notion that entrepreneurs discover solutions and engage with their communities over a million cups of coffee, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation developed 1 Million Cups in 2012—a free program designed to educate, engage and inspire entrepreneurs around the country. Through the power of volunteers, 1 Million Cups has grown to more than 160 communities.

As a program of the Kauffman Foundation, 1 Million Cups works with entrepreneurs, empowering them with the tools and resources to break down barriers that stand in the way of starting and growing their businesses. Mr. Kauffman believed it was a fundamental right for anyone who had a big idea to be able to bring it to life—and we're here to fulfill that mission.”

Did you catch that? It’s free. Coffee and all.

Participating is easy.  Just show up. Laurin Kocurek, the Chamber's Director of Communications, is coordinating on our end, and I’d bet she’d welcome your questions. You can reach to her here, and view the upcoming meetings on the Chamber's event page. And you know me – holler if I can offer perspective.

But here’s the bottom line. You’ll love this program – and the coffee. I want to personally invite you to join me, my friend Dr. Duncan Pelly and a whole bunch of people who are killing it – by dreaming, doing, taking risks and making our community better through entrepreneurship.

After-all – entrepreneurship is the heart of any local economy. It matters. You matter. And anytime your Chamber can work to bring you value, well – we’re all over it.

See you there.
