Well, you have to eat, don’t you?


Signature Events

February 7, 2020
Staff Reports

You’ve heard the saying that two things in life are certain: death and taxes. While true, there are actually two more things that are certain. You have to wear clothes (although I guess you don’t really have to) and you have to eat, too.

So not to complicate that famous quote, we’ll leave it as is. But, let’s talk for a moment about the other two, often overlooked truths.

Regardless of your interests in wearing clothes, most of us do and are grateful for them. If not for farmers and their families, you’d struggle to find clothes. And can you imagine getting through last week’s Snowmageddon naked? Okay, this is getting weird.

Let’s talk for a moment about food. Now that’s something we can all agree on. We like to eat. Food is a non-negotiable.

So, if not for our farmers and ranchers, we’d only have death and taxes to look forward to. That’s no good.

By now I’m sure you’re aware that next week the Chamber’s Agriculture Committee will present the 2020 version of the Texas Farm Ranch & Wildlife Expo, right? Do yourself a favor and stop in. It’s at the Taylor County Expo Center. You’ll be glad you did. It’s on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 18th and 19th to be exact. Admission is free.

The longest-running farm show in the state of Texas is sponsored again this year by Lawrence Hall- Abilene and co-chaired by Ross Vinson of Abilene Ag and Kelly Blay at Wylie Sprayers. We’re grateful for their leadership.

For a full rundown of the programs being featured – including cotton production, the Town and Country Women’s Fair, presentations on Feral Hog Removal and more, look here.

And for sure, don’t overlook the Ag Luncheon. We knew that last year’s luncheon featuring Dr. Temple Grandin would be hard to beat, but I think the committee has done it. Our featured speaker this year is someone we all know and has likely been in your living room – Bob Phillips from Texas Country Reporter. Seats are selling fast, so act now. You won’t want to miss it!

Not only will Bob Phillips do his thing, but we will present the 2020 Agriculture Family of the Year Award. The luncheon is underwritten by our friends at Capital Farm Credit, KTXS and Taylor Telecom.

And speaking of feral hogs, do you have your raffle ticket yet? The proceeds from the luncheon and the sale of raffle tickets are directed to area ag scholarships, ensuring we have food and fiber for another generation. You can get yours from any member of our Ag committee, or by reaching out to Chamber Events Director, Kim Bosher, at KimBosher@abilenechamber.com.

When you do, you’ll have a one in 300 chance at a hunt of a lifetime, provided by Cedar Ridge Aviation. A helicopter hunt for feral hogs for two, overnight lodging, meals, guns and ammo. All you have to do is shoot and have a blast (pun intended).

Take a look at your calendar now and make sure you have this show on your calendar. Even if you don’t farm, ranch or hunt, you eat and – likely – wear clothes. Come out and help us celebrate the contribution agriculture makes in our regional economy, have a listen to Bob Phillips, and take a look at all the cool products and services that support this dynamic Big Country industry.

I’ll hope to see you there.
