Chamber's Statement on first COVID-19 Case in Taylor County


March 26, 2020
Staff Reports

Dear Business Community –

As I’m sure you are aware by now, Hendrick Health System and the City of Abilene recently announced its first confirmed case of COVID-19 here in Taylor County.

It is important to note that this is nothing we weren’t prepared for. We have been anticipating our first positive case for a few weeks and under the guidance of City leadership and local health experts – we are prepared.

Your Chamber will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation locally and state-wide. With the first COVID-19 case confirmed in our City, we must continue to take precautions for our safety and that of our co-workers and families. However, we cannot live in fear.

We must instead be prepared and ready to deal with the situation armed with knowledge. While there is still much to learn about this virus, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health Department are all excellent resources businesses and families can turn to when looking for more information on the virus.

The Chamber encourages the Abilene Business Community to implement simple and effective procedures in the workplace, such as requiring sick employees to stay home, washing your hands frequently, and coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your sleeve in order to prevent or minimize the spread of any illness. These straightforward practices will help prevent the further spread of the virus and will keep you, your family and your co-workers safe.

Our Business Community is still Open for Business, although we must be thoughtful in modifying our practices in order to help stop the spread of the virus.

The safety of our community, membership, and staff is the top priority for the Chamber, and we will continue to monitor the ever-changing situation by providing additional information and resources on our website and on our social media channels.

As I’ve said before, we WILL get through this, and we will learn undeniable lessons along the way. But for sure, we can take care of our own.

Afterall, that’s the Abilene way.
