New Faces, Same Energy


March 8, 2021
Staff Reports

In the Chamber of Commerce business, two things are certain: a common vision among all our operating units and commitment to advocating for our members; and a professional staff who is trained, prepared and tireless in carrying out the priorities of our leadership.

And while the last few months have brought a few changes and challenges for our community, so too has our staff evolved.

In January, longtime chamber events director, Kim Bosher, moved positions and is now embedded in the Chamber’s Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACVB). If Kim does half the job for the ACVB that she did for the Chamber’s Membership Division - and no doubt she will - you will continue to see high-level results in our efforts to bring visitors to our community to spend money and add to our economy.

With Kim’s departure to a different department, our leadership reimagined a few positions in order to best serve you, our member. In the next few weeks, you’ll see a new face in our side of the house with new energy in our member development efforts, Ashley Knowlton.

Originally from Massachusetts, Ashley is new to our community after spending several years in New York City where she worked on advertising sponsorships for Nickelodeon and National Geographic. Most recently, Ashley spent some time in the political realm before joining our team in a newly created role as the Director of Member Development.

“Coming from a family of small business owners, I understand the risk and passion that comes along with pursuing your own enterprise,” said Ashely. “I am excited to collaborate with Abilene business owners and provide resources to engage their customers and our community through the Chamber of Commerce’s programs.”

We look forward to Ashley partnering with each of our Chamber members to ensure the multitude of benefits you receive as part of your investment in our organization are reached to their full potential.

Back to our Convention and Visitors Bureau, for 20 years Debi Schultz has served our community as Director of Sales and will be hanging up her hat to retire. I want to congratulate Debi and thank her for her years of service to our organization. Debi’s mark can be seen all throughout our community, but we trust Tiffany Nichols, who will be filling Debi’s role, will do an excellent job as our new Sports Sales Director.

Succeeding Tiffany in her former role as Visitor Sales and Services Director is Bailey Ferguson. A graduate of Loyola University in Chicago, Bailey brings a background in international guest management and planning through the U.S. State Department.

“I was born and raised in Abilene, Texas, so I am very excited to work with the amazing people here and I hope to be an asset and guide in my new position,” said Bailey.

I can’t be more proud of the team that surrounds me each day as we work to fulfill the Chamber’s mission - from elected volunteer leaders who make up our board leadership to the professional staff who help make it all happen.

Again, please join me in congratulating Kim, Debi and Tiffany on their transitions, and in welcoming Ashley and Bailey to the family.

We know good things lie ahead in your Chamber’s efforts as we work to help your bottom line.
