BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Team Chip Martial Arts

Business Spotlight

April 16, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out?
Longevity (37 years in one location) serving our Big Country. Our committed professionalism in all areas from our martial arts/fitness mats to our amazing administrative office. We provide true world champion martial art/fitness instruction and leadership. We provide constant value added content for our clientele and community including free self defense clinics, parenting and leadership blogs/social media content, regular volunteering in the local school districts teaching on topics from entrepreneurship to leadership to self awareness and self defense. Our commitment to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

What do customers say about working with you?
Regular comments we hear: “We can’t believe how well you shuffled to continue to deliver through COVID.” “Your team is so inspirational, especially considering how young some of them are.” “You welcomed us with open arms, and have totally changed our family’s lives.”

Please share the value of Chamber involvement.
The community connections and relations found through the chamber and its events have been a game changer for our local small business.

What culture do you provide within your company?
A warm welcome. Minimal obstacles to connecting and understanding Team Chip Martial Arts Centers. Constant unwavering support on your journey to becoming a hero. A constant belief and expectation of excellence, for all and by all. Constantly striving to personify loving our neighbors (clientele) as we love ourselves.

How do you give back to the community?
First, by delivering on our “promise” of “Empowering people through their personal pursuit of personal martial arts and life excellence.”

In the “What makes your business stand out” section above, is a small list. 😁

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.