BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Christian Women's Job Corps of Abilene


Business Spotlight

August 20, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out?
Christian Women's Job Corps stands out above the rest by empowering women through our classes for finding employment. Our 10-week program is designed to walk you through all the steps and planning that you need to find and keep your next job. We assess your skills and interests with a Career Skills Search, we prepare you with the most common interview questions to expect and we teach you basic computer skills that will help you be prepared for your new career choice. We are a faith-based program that believes that God is working His plan for you and through your work. We build a place of encouragement that allows for your personal growth and seeking after God's will for your life. Our classes are completely free!

What do customers say about working with you?
So many women have found our program to be a stepping-stone in their lives, as we encourage them to set goals and to seek God's purpose for their lives. We truly believe that everyone is in our program "on purpose" and we are happy to join them in this new journey to finding work that sustains their family. Because we base everything on Christ, most women find a new heart for their love of God. It has been said that our program helped women to "get back on track" to have a "do-over" and has been a blessing in their lives through each class we offer.

Please share the value of Chamber involvement.
The Abilene Chamber of Commerce is such a valuable part of our ability to network in our community, that we made it a priority to join! And since joining, we have not been surprised by their welcoming us in and in sharing all the perks that come with joining the Chamber of Commerce. Ashley Knowlton has been an awesome advocate and connecter with other in the community. I could not be more happy than I am with the excellent service she has provided.

What culture do you provide within your company?
First, and foremost, we provide a culture of excellence. It is our belief that everything is to be done with quality of service and to the best or our abilities. We give our full selves to making our organization one that is supportive and encouraging because we want you to be able to give your best. We value each person for what they bring to the table, but we also desire for you to learn and stretch yourself in new ways that empower yourself as you work. We desire to see people of a strong character and an even stronger faith in God. Lastly, we provide a culture of Grace and transformation in Christ.

How do you give back to the community?
By giving women hope to finding the job that helps their families, we believe that we are giving back to the growth of our communities workforce. We believe that when people begin to find work, they will also find ways to invest their time and energy into the community. Our program discusses the importance of taking responsibility for their lives and reaching beyond their circumstances to what tomorrow holds. Together, Abilene can become "Work Strong."

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.