Business Mercado 2021 - let’s do this!

Signature Events

September 13, 2021
Staff Reports

For the nearly six years I’ve been with our Chamber, I have been astonished at the impact our Hispanic Business Council has on our organization and our growing membership.

Whether I’m learning new things from the seasoned business professionals who comprise the Council or watching them work to bring our Hispanic business population together with other members of the Chamber, their work is tremendous, and they never seem to slow down.

Under the leadership of HBEC Chairman Travis Ruiz (KTAB/KRBC/Telemundo), this energetic and dedicated group of folks perform an effort that is truly unmatched in our region. Whether it’s economic impact or broadening one’s professional network, the Chamber’s HBC has something for everyone.

One of their premier efforts each year is Business Mercado.

Business Mercado 2021 Siempre Cambiando - Always Changing - Your Business is Bidi Bidi Bom Bom! Presented by America’s SBDC at Texas Tech, Happy State Bank and Telemundo Abilene takes place on Oct. 9 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Abilene Convention Center.

Hosted by the Abilene Hispanic Business Council, Business Mercado (Market) is an annual showcase of business products and services with the intent of building the bridge with the Hispanic consumer. Open to all businesses interested in connecting with the Hispanic market, this high energy, family friendly event spotlights the Hispanic culture in Abilene with mariachis, ballet folklorico and other family fun activities throughout the day. Business Mercado leverages branding and marketing opportunities, while benefiting from business-to-business and business-to-consumer networking.

With over 90 vendors, this year’s theme celebrates Selena and features the Abilene Hispanic Heritage Display. “Preserving history and leaving a legacy for future generations.” Sponsored by JAR Land and Investments, Dian Graves Owen Foundation and 3rd Street Printing.

And your safety, is top of mind. Here’s a look at the safety protocols we’ll be following.

Safety Protocols
Here at the Abilene Chamber, we’re committed to creating and providing an environment where you feel comfortable, but also have the freedom to do business. Here are a few guidelines we’ll be following:
- To protect your health and the health of others, masks will be strongly encouraged and will be on-hand for those who do not have one.
- We’ll have multiple hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility as well as signage encouraging one way traffic at our larger events.
- Unsure of if the person you’re wanting to visit with is physically distancing? We’ll have colored bracelets on-hand to help you communicate to those around you which measures you are practicing. A red will mean no contact, yellow elbows only while still being cautious, blue hi-five and handshakes with frequent sanitizing.
- We ask that if you do not feel well or have an inkling that you have been exposed to stay home.
- Thanks to our partner, Armament Shield Abilene’s Germ Killer, we have access to Breathe-In technology that will help disinfect the air at our larger events in the hope to mitigate viruses.