BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Eighteen78 Boutique

Business Spotlight

November 12, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out?
I am what sets my business apart by my ability and passion to help women feel better about themselves through clothes and accessories.

What do customers say about working with you?
My customers enjoy my quirky, fun style and personality. They enjoy my quick attention to their needs and desires.

Please share the value of Chamber involvement.
Community. Being able to connect and plug in to something bigger than just myself.

What culture do you provide within your company?
Since I am a one woman shop, right now, my culture flows over to my customers by being fun, open and giving the best customer service I can. I believe in lifting other women up. We are not in competition with each other. When we come together as one, we are a force for good.

How do you give back to the community?
I am just beginning my business but am looking for the best avenues to pay it forward. Recently, I donated 25% of one month of my sales to a woman in my community who is fighting breast cancer.

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.