BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Rhodes Insurance Agency

Business Spotlight

December 13, 2021
Staff Reports

What makes your business stand out? We have been family owned for 35 years with the third generation of Rhodes currently working in the business. We are committed to treating our clients using the "Golden Rule" - treat one another as you would like to be treated. We give very attentive service to all of our clients and make sure that their satisfaction is of utmost importance.

What do customers say about working with you? Examples of what our customers say about us can be found under either testimonials on our website or by looking on our Google reviews. I want to point out however, that the fact that a good many of our clients have been with us for over 20 years. Their loyalty to us is driven by the way that are treated by our staff.

Please share the value of Chamber involvement. It is obvious to me that our local Chamber of Commerce does a wonderful job in promoting our wonderful city. It is incumbent on each of us that are fortunate enough to own businesses to provide our support not only through our membership fees but through our time and talent with respect to chamber sponsored events and organizations. In numbers, we can do greater things for our community.

What culture do you provide within your company? A culture of being grateful to God for the opportunity to do what we do on a daily basis. We are very much a Christian based company and always have been and always will be. We make sure that our customers know that they can count on us for anything and that they are the reason that we have jobs. They literally write our paychecks. As noted in an earlier response, we treat our clients in the way that we ourselves would hope to be treated if the roles were reversed - with dignity, patience and respect.

How do you give back to the community? The 3rd generation of Rhodes involved in the business is my son Gary Allred Rhodes II. He is a member of the Redcoats (as was I for many years back in the mid-1990s) and is a board member of the Hispanic Business council. I wear a lot of hats with regards to my 168 hours a week that each of us have and can only do what I do because of my staff. These roles may not be classified under the "giving back to the community" banner but I still do volunteer work. I am a CVCA (certified volunteer chaplain assistant in the TDCJ) and go weekly to the Robertson unit. I am also ordained Roman Catholic clergy and as such am assigned to Holy Family Catholic Church as one of their Deacons. I financially support many local charities as well as national charities.

Be sure and listen to 96.1 Q Country and 95.1 The Wolf for their profile.

Remember to buy local. View a full list of Chamber members here. Signup to be featured here.