‘Jeet yet?’



January 10, 2022
Staff Reports

I once lived in a place where, around mealtime, someone would inevitably make an audible sound that took me awhile to figure out.

It didn’t matter the meal. And sometimes it was a simple but quick, “jeet?”

After awhile, I came to understand the term. They were asking if I’d eaten yet. Funny part is, I’ve heard myself ask that of others in the years that have passed.

It’s no secret that I’m a foodie. I like food. And I like to eat. And although I have my trusty standards, one thing is certain. I don’t miss many meals.

Thank God for those who produce it. I don’t know how they do it, but we can all agree on this - we’re glad they do, aren’t we?

And not just food. If you think about agriculture in general, you think about lots of different things. My friend and Congressman Jodey Arrington isn’t shy to suggest that West Texas is the “food, fuel and fiber Capital of the world.” He’s exactly right. I'm convinced that agriculture is central to our proud West Texas culture. We have just the right grit. We’re determined. And we don’t know “quit.”

Coming up next month at the Taylor County Expo Center, your Chamber will again launch the longest running farm, ranch and wildlife show in the State of Texas where we’ll be joined by more than 150 exhibitors showcasing the latest and greatest in the industry. The whole industry. And when you think about the breadth of agriculture, that’s saying a lot.

One of the highlights of the show is the Annual Ag Scholarship Luncheon sponsored by Taylor Telecom, that’ll be held in the Display Building on February 23. It will begin at 11:30 AM.

You’ve likely attended one of these luncheons a time or two. In fact, you might’ve heard one of the luncheon’s excellent speakers, such as Temple Grandin or Texas Country Reporter Bob Phillips.

Well now, do we have a treat for you this year.

Not only will the luncheon also serve as the backdrop from recognizing this year’s Agriculture Family of the Year sponsored by Taylor Electric Cooperative, Inc., but it will also raise dollars for area youth scholarships who will go on to ensure our place in food and fiber production.

This year, we’ll welcome Wyman Meinzer, the official photographer for the State of Texas. If you don’t know who Wyman is, you’re missing out.

Here’s a cheater for you if you’d like to learn MORE.

I’ll be honest. I’d not heard of Wyman Meinzer when our long-standing Ag Committee and staff recommended him. In fact, I wasn’t even aware that we had an official state photographer. But, I can see why we do. This guy is amazing. And thank goodness we have him. Out great State is far too magnificent to leave its documentation to chance. His work speaks for itself.  And the stories behind his work? Wow.

I want to say a special thank you to the Ag Committee who works like a well-oiled machine to pull this off. Some of the brightest and hardest-working people I’ve ever known. Thank you to each of them.

I hope you’ll not only swing through the show itself, but take the time to sit in and celebrate our Agriculture Family of the Year and meet Mr. Meinzer. You’ll be glad you did both.

And while you’re there, make sure you find me. I’ll be the guy asking, “jeet yet?”

