Accelerating Abilene's Business Friendliness


April 4, 2022
Staff Reports

Accelerating Abilene's Business Friendliness

As I sat down to write this morning’s note to you all, I reflected over last week’s inspiring events.

Executing another Business Expo reminded me of the tenacity of our partners. Businesses, community leaders, volunteers and more rallied behind our business community for an inspiring day. While we all can collectively agree our feet were barking by the end of the event, I left the day inspired.

And Business Expo wasn’t the only inspiring event I attended last week. I had the pleasure of sitting in on a “Jay Moore Presents” event where our resident Abilene historian shared history of our great community.

And at that event, one slide stuck out to me the most that contained this quote:

“Cities don’t just grow like a hothouse plant. They have to be built by men and women who will give their time and energy to community enterprises, not for personal profit, but because they love the place and take pride in its accomplishments and are willing, when called upon, to get in there and pitch.”

The quote comes from an excerpt from an editorial at one of Abilene’s oldest businesses, the Abilene Reporter-News.

And brings me to my point of today’s article. On Wednesday at our monthly morning networking event, our team will present on one of our newest resources to the business community, the West Texas Business Navigator Program.

If you recall, we unveiled this program back in January that is brought to you by a grant your Chamber received from the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Since last November when we found out our business community was awarded the grant, our team has been working with partners or “spokes” to build programming for our area entrepreneurs.

Need help understanding the financial aspects that goes into running your day-to-day operations? We have a partner for you.

Need assistance in refining your marketing message? Looking to take classes to refine your skill set? Or, just looking for a partner to bounce ideas off of on your business journey?

We have a partner for you.

And guess what? It’s all for free.

You see, much like the quote from the ARN, our community has been and will continue to be built by men and women just like you. Men and women who love Abilene. Who want to see her flourish and thrive. And, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the work to make Abilene the best Abilene she can be.

And if we can help play a small role in your business journey by providing resources or connections to help make your work a little easier, that’s exactly what we want to do.

I hope you’ll join us on Wednesday. Come learn how you can benefit from the program and bring a friend that’s been wondering how to take that next step with their business. I guarantee they’ll take away a connection or learn about a resource that can help propel them, and our community, forward.
