Standing out from the pack


June 13, 2022
Staff Reports

Standing out from the pack

What makes your workplace unique?

Even during the most stressful days over the last few years, has your place of employment ensured you felt valued? Maybe your workplace has implemented flex-Fridays, effective training, or great leadership that ensures each member of the team feels valuable.

In partnership with Hendrick Health, the Abilene Chamber is pleased to announce the Big Country’s Best Workplaces - the Oscars, if you will, of the Human Resources industry.

You know why you love your place of employment, and we want to highlight what makes it unique! The inaugural Best Workplaces process demonstrates the value of work-life balance and emphasizes the impact effective leadership has on achieving successful business performance, employee engagement and employee-customer retention.

There’s more than one reason why young professionals are flocking to our community, and we believe a large reason why is the industries that support and nurture talent for the future.

More details will follow in the coming weeks on how you can apply, how you can be named one of the best workplaces in Abilene, and what type of value add-ons go with being named one of the best places to work in the Big Country.

So, stay close to your emails and help us shout it from the rooftops of why working in the Big Country community is the best!

Afterall, a company filled with happy, productive employees is one of the best testimonials a company can earn.