What Makes Us Tick

Business Advocacy

November 21, 2022
Staff Reports

I enjoy sharing perspective on occasion with folks who see the Chamber as a networking organization.

Sure, we do our share of it. And by most all accounts, we're pretty darn good at connecting our members and helping them to build relationships, credibility, and their bottom lines.

But there are layers of committed action behind the member benefit we've become known for.

Beneath it all, your Chamber proudly serves as the area's chief business advocacy organization, an association focused on the long-term improvement of all businesses, the regional economy, and the "product" that is Abilene, Texas.

Business friendly is our focus.

And while we may be hit with an unexpected challenge or two, one thing is for sure - at any given time, there are no fewer than 50 of your fellow business and community leaders engaged in determining the actions your Chamber takes on the issues that impact business.

We're particularly grateful for the hundreds of hours invested by our volunteers and our staff in preparing for the upcoming legislative session in Austin.

Once thought to be absent from the legislative process, your Chamber made a strong commitment nearly eight years ago to stand up and step up for your business.

This year's board-approved Legislative Agenda establishes the left and right boundaries of the issues we'll be working on in the Texas capital come January.

We've worked as an attentive partner to understand what is expected, what is important, and what has the potential to carve into Abilene's much-improved business friendly reputation.

For a preview of the content of our Agenda, TAKE A LOOK HERE.

To jumpstart our work in January, your Chamber will host my friend and colleague Glenn Hamer, President & CEO of the Texas Association of Business, our state chamber on December 14 at the brand spanking new and beautiful offices of Condley and Company, LLP in downtown Abilene. Glenn will preview the upcoming session in a fireside chat so you will have a clear understanding of the  expectations, what is anticipated to happen and not happen this session, and the effects of what could happen on your business right here at home.

I've had the privilege of getting to know Glenn as one of TAB's board members, representing West Texas and our members specifically. I can tell you unequivocally that Glenn has and continues to transform the voice of business across Texas as a model for advocacy nationwide.

For registration information, click here.

In the meantime, thank you for your enduring support of a thriving Abilene. And happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

There's always something special to be thankful for in Abilene, Texas!

