Leadership Abilene Applications Open June 1


May 30, 2023
Staff Reports

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to further your involvement within the business community, look no further than Leadership Abilene.

This highly sought-after and respected Chamber program is one of the longest running programs of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce. Each year, 36 participants of diverse Abilenians are selected to immerse themselves in a nine-month master’s course on all things Abilene.

Leadership Abilene exists to:

  • Identify and motivate potential leaders

  • Acquaint them with community needs

  • Provide insight into techniques, opportunities, and challenges of leadership

  • Explore alternate perspectives for community challenges

  • Encourage new leaders to community involvement

Leadership Abilene strives to expose participants to the many services, resources, organizations and businesses that make Abilene unique. Each month beginning in September, the class will attend presentations, tour facilities and interact with representatives from local businesses, non-profit organizations, educational institutions and public offices. The themed days include: Economic Development, Education, Servant Leadership, City/County Government, State Government, Healthcare, and Dyess Air Force Base.

After more than 40 years, Leadership Abilene Alumni can be found serving on boards, leading companies and creating new opportunities throughout the Big Country.

You are probably even friends with a number of Leadership Abilene Alums. Leadership Abilene Alumni, in fact,  run the program. From the individual day committees, right up to the Class Chair, every facet of this program is coordinated by passionate people who want to continue to build upon their own Leadership Abilene experiences.

Who should apply? Anyone 21 and older who is interested in expanding your network and gaining deeper insight and access to all that Abilene has to offer.

​What is the time commitment? This program runs one full day, September through May, usually on a Thursday or a Friday. An orientation, attendance at seven out of the nine program days, and completion of a class service project are required to graduate from the program.

What’s included in the cost? Your class participation fee includes class shirt, all meals, all transportation, and an overnight trip to Austin.

Does this sound exactly like what you’ve been looking for? Or would you like to send one of your employees? Applications for #LA2023 open June 1! If you have any questions or want to gain further insight into the program, contact our staff liaison, Jennifer Kent.