Minority Leadership Development Symposium


September 5, 2023
Staff Reports

When I think of Abilene, I automatically think of the great people here. It’s the people who make the difference in our community’s identity and story.

Abilene is full of different kinds of people working to write our story: People with different religions, socio-economic classes, cultures, ethnicities and more. It’s our differences that make us strong and allow us to blaze the trail.

And that’s why on behalf of the Chamber’s Hispanic Business Council, I’m proud to announce the inaugural Minority Leadership Development Symposium on Thursday, Oct. 12 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

The only event of its kind in our region, the Minority Leadership Development Symposium is an initiative that will highlight the influence and economic buying power of our minority communities, along with helping employers approach and navigate a multitude of issues. The event’s goal is to continue to bridge the gap between cultures to further support growth in our city.

Thanks to the West Texas Business Navigator program, funded by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), this event will be completely free to anyone who wants to attend. Watch for more announcements soon on our excellent speakers for this event and how you can attend.

Cross-culturalism is a term of action. Backgrounds create culture, and when you put people with different perspectives in a room, ideas expand, creativity ignites and your product and services improve.

Cultural diversity is not something to take lightly. It is needed. Different cultures and ethnicities bring different perspectives into the conversation. Every person sees the world in a different way and when we embrace our differences, it can pave the way for breakthrough innovation for you and your company.

I am proud to be the son of a Mexican immigrant. My father has always instilled in me that I should not be given special treatment because the color of my skin, but instead always be given a fair chance. You have to fight with knowledge, work ethic, vigor and more.

I’m thankful that our Abilene community has always given me a fair chance to tremendous opportunities of leadership. Now I want to help make sure others are also given endless opportunities.

I hope you’ll join us on Oct. 12.