Developing and promoting the economy and quality of life


Business Advocacy

November 6, 2023
Staff Reports

It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. And while I could be talking about the holiday season that has crept up on me, I’m not.

I’m talking about election day! As someone who considers themselves a true American patriot, this is one of my favorite times of the year.

It’s when collectively as individuals, a community, a state, and a nation, we have the opportunity to have our voices heard at the polls. And when you think about the ballot for Abilenians and Texans – there’s a lot riding on this election.

When I get up each day and begin to focus on what my tasks for the day look like, I always remind myself of our core purpose here at the Abilene Chamber – advocacy.

Advocacy for your business can look different depending on the time of year. It can range from helping your business navigate permitting; it can be advocating for our community to shop local. Or it can be something similar to what’s on the upcoming ballot. Quality of life initiatives that impact our growing, economically vibrant city.

At the September Abilene Chamber Board of Directors meeting, your volunteer leadership representing our collective organization voted unanimously to support the proposed city-wide bond issues, the continuation of the Taylor County Events Venue District, the proposed Wylie Independent School District Bond and 12 of the 14 proposed State Constitutional Amendments – all on the ballot for tomorrow’s election day – depending on where you live in our region.

As the Big Country’s largest business advocacy organization, it’s important to note that we are a pro-growth, pro-community organization.

We are not a ‘pro-tax’ organization.

However, after significant research, discussion, and ultimately a recommendation from the Chamber’s Business Advocacy Council, members of the member-led Board of Directors voted unanimously that each of these projects will not only help our community remain economically competitive for the future but help us continue to meet our mission of developing and promoting the economy and quality of life for all.

To give you insight on what each of the issues mentioned above entails, we’ve broken it down for you on our website at the link here.

Voting matters. Your voice matters. And, helping to ensure that we’re remaining competitive as a community for the attraction of our future workforce really matters.

I hope you take the time to get out and rock your vote tomorrow and encourage your employees to do the same.
