Nurturing Young Dreamers



June 13, 2024
Staff Reports

Do you remember those days of childhood wonder when you dreamed of creating something entirely your own, perhaps imagining a small lemonade stand on the corner or a grand enterprise that could change the world? 

Many of us had those dreams, but without guidance and opportunities, they often remained just that—dreams.  

Imagine if, back then, you had the chance to explore entrepreneurship with the support and resources needed to bring your ideas to life. Perhaps today, you might be running a thriving business, turning your childhood visions into reality. 

At the Chamber, we believe every child should experience the excitement of entrepreneurship. That’s why we’re delighted to host this year’s Children’s Business Fair on June 29 at the Mall of Abilene, proudly sponsored by the Abilene Teacher’s Federal Credit Union. This event invites kids ages 6-14 to launch and manage their own businesses. Participation in the event is free for all children. 

This fair is more than just an event; it’s an educational experience. Our young participants will gain valuable skills in problem-solving, resourcefulness, and creativity. They'll explore all facets of running a business, from developing marketing strategies and financial planning to mastering customer service and product development. 

Inspired by Acton’s Children’s Business Fair, this program is crucial in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit within our community. It’s an opportunity for us to invest in our future by supporting the youngest members of our business community. 

We invite everyone to come out and support these young entrepreneurs. Help them make a sale and witness the joy and fulfillment that comes from hard work and dedication. 

This event is a testament to the bright future of Abilene. It shows that our best days are ahead of us, powered by a community that believes in the potential of every generation. In Abilene, age doesn’t limit vision and tenacity. We’re a city that celebrates both our current and future entrepreneurs. 

Onward to a brighter future!