Get to know your Chamber Chair, Dr. Kelsi Mangrem!


Board of Directors

October 7, 2024
Staff Reports

Meet Dr. Kelsi Mangrem! Kelsi grew up in the small town of Marathon, Texas, with a population of just 275. She is a proud Texas Tech Red Raider and has been an audiologist for 10 years, with 8 of those years as a small business owner. In 2016, Kelsi and her family moved to Abilene when she acquired Holland Hearing Center. We thought our valued partners would appreciate getting to know the person leading their Chamber over the next year. So, without further ado, meet Kelsi!

Involvement with the Chamber: I joined the Chamber right after moving here in January 2017. I volunteered on the Celebration Committee for 3 years, the Ag Committee for 3 years, the Board of Directors for 3 years, and the Executive Committee for 3 years. I participated in Leadership Abilene, Class of 2019.

Why is it important your business is a part of a Chamber? Being part of your community is important, but as a business owner, it’s essential. The Chamber is the perfect organization to meet new people, establish valuable resources to grow your business, and develop as a community leader.

Favorite part about volunteering with the Chamber? The friendships I've made over the last 8 years. Volunteering on different task forces and participating in programs like Leadership Abilene gave me the opportunity to meet some of my closest friends to date.

Why is a successful Chamber important to the community? A successful Chamber is the catalyst for any thriving community. It's the natural hub for business advocacy by working with private and public entities in growing the community. The Chamber ensures the goals of those who want to make our region a better place, and have the place and opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with other like-minded individuals.   

Favorite Quote: "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal."  -Albert Pike

What inspires you? A challenge. 

Dogs or cats? I have two dogs!

Accomplishment you are most proud of? My family. It takes a special kind of spouse to share the chaos that are kids and a business. I'm proud of the sacrifices we've made and will continue to make to make a better life for our kids, and those in our community. 

Last book you read? None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

Favorite thing to do when not working? Traveling with friends and family.

Favorite place to vacation? Anywhere in the great outdoors, just make sure there is the promise of good food.

Your family: My husband Joe and I have been married for 13 years. Our son, Ryan is 9 years old, and our daughter Landri is 4.