Chamber News

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Showing Board of Directors articles

Board of Directors

National Support Your Local Chamber Day From a Member's Perspective

October 11, 2019

What’s holding you back from your opportunities to get involved? Most business owners know that owning a business...

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Board of Directors

2019-2020 Chairman of the Board of Directors

September 27, 2019

Dear Chamber Board and Members, I am honored and humbled to have been given the opportunity to help lead our chamber...

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Board of Directors

Abilene’s Renaissance

September 20, 2019

I’m just about to complete one of the most exciting years of my life due to being the chairman at the Abilene Chamber...

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Board of Directors

Here’s the Thing

August 23, 2019

Grab another cup of coffee and settle in – this is one of those long ones. Everybody has a “thing.” Every...

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Board of Directors

The Abilene Renaissance

June 7, 2019

For me it’s all about engagement. It’s about taking the long-term approach to our community’s needs. It’s about...

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Board of Directors

2018-19 to mark challenge and opportunities for Chamber members

October 5, 2018

One week ago today, I assumed my role as Chairman of the 110-year old Abilene Chamber of Commerce. It’s an awesome...

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Board of Directors

Farewell and thank you!

September 24, 2018

I must admit, this isn’t exactly how I thought my year would go. 10 months ago, I was proudly settling into my year...

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