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Showing Signature Events articles

Signature Events

A Night to Remember

July 10, 2024

Do you know what we love more than a celebration here at the chamber? A celebration that honors those who have helped...

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Signature Events

Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes

July 3, 2024

When we think of our great city, we often envision its landmarks, attractions, local cuisine and bustling shopping...

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Signature Events

Building Strong Communities

June 28, 2024

One evening last year, as I drove downtown, I vividly recall the bustling streets filled with activity. The city was...

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Signature Events

Small Business isn’t Small to Us

April 21, 2024

Those of you who know me, likely know my background. What makes me tick. Where I come from. Pictured above is a young...

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Signature Events

“That one single day in Abilene…”

March 11, 2024

It’s no secret that one of my favorite former Abilenians is the legendary Charlie Dromgoole. You know, that guy who...

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Signature Events

Why You Should Encourage Your YPs to Attend This Year’s Summit

March 4, 2024

Workforce is a hot topic in many articles and discussions around the business community, and the Chamber’s young...

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Signature Events

Our Agriculture Legacy Through Storytelling

February 12, 2024

I can trace back every core lesson I learned that helped shape me into the person I am today back to growing up in...

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Signature Events

What I Know For Sure

January 29, 2024

I’m always stumped when I run into a friend and they ask me, “what do you know for sure?” There are days when I could...

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Signature Events

There is Nothing Certain But the Uncertain

December 4, 2023

What a Proverb that title is, huh? Do you ever feel like the rules to the game change just when you’re starting to...

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Signature Events

A $ billion-plus and counting

November 27, 2023

A billion is a big number. And that number plus some, in U.S. dollars, is massive as it relates to the Big Country...

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Signature Events

Celebrating 15 Years of Business Mercado

August 21, 2023

One of the things our members value most is exposure to opportunity – the opportunity to gain exposure for themselves...

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Signature Events

It’s time to celebrate!

May 1, 2023

It’s officially National Small Business Week! And no one could be more thrilled by the overdue recognition than I am....

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