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Showing all articles from March 2019


No rest for the weary

March 29, 2019

Settle in, folks. This is a long one. But, I think you’ll be glad you took the time to read it. Have you ever...

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Abilene to host two B-21 squadrons, additional missions

March 27, 2019

ABILENE, Texas – Pentagon officials today announced Dyess Air Force Base will be the home of the weapons training and...

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Abilene makes family vacation destination list

March 25, 2019

Abilene shines as a kid-friendly destination in a new list of 12 family vacation “hidden gems” across the nation. The...

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Signature Events

“That one single day in Abilene…”

March 22, 2019

It’s no secret that one of my favorite Abilenians is the legendary Charlie Dromgoole. You know, that guy who was the...

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What downtown needs is a healthy dose of confidence!

March 15, 2019

That was the message I heard recently from a successful downtown business owner who was considering an expansion. The...

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Signature Events

Ready, Set, GLOW!

March 8, 2019

Who’da thunk it? Several years ago, the Abilene Chamber embarked on a new initiative that some thought had seen its...

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Abilene: The Key City

March 1, 2019

Key: (noun) something used to open or unlock; (adjective) something of paramount or crucial importance. Both...

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